About the Conference

EcotoxicoMic 2024

4th International Conference in Microbial Ecotoxicology

12-14 November 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden 

 groupGroup picture of the 155 participants from 28 different countries that attended EcotoxicoMic24.

Scientific Programme EcotoxicoMic 2024


Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing and the Scientific Committees, I am pleased to invite you to participate in EcotoxicoMic 2024. EcotoxicoMic was established in the last decade as a leading bi-annual international conference in microbial ecotoxicology. After the first three editions, organized in 2017 in Lyon (France), in 2020 in virtual format, and in 2022 in Montpellier (France), the 4th EcotoxicoMic conference in 2024 will be held in Gothenburg (Sweden).

The overall aim of the conference is to provide an up-to-date state-of-the-art in the field of microbial ecotoxicology and pinpoint emerging issues and areas of research where future efforts are needed, considering all types of microorganisms including prokaryotes and microeukaryotes.

EcotoxicoMic 2024 will bring together enthusiasts and expert scientists from various disciplines (microbial ecotoxicology, environmental microbiology, environmental chemistry, antimicrobial resistance, risk assessment, and big data), in a highly interactive environment.

The scientific program will cover presentations from invited speakers and presentations selected from submitted abstracts. There will be ample opportunities to present posters.

The scope of the topics that EcotoxicoMic 2024 will address includes four regular sessions:

    • Impact of contaminants on microbial diversity and function
    • Microbial roles in contaminant fate and bioremediation
    • Microorganisms as a tool for environmental risk assessment
    • Antimicrobials resistance in the environment

And two special sessions: 

    • Microbiome-aware ecotoxicology of animals
    • Occurrence, properties, fate, and microbial ecotoxicity of natural toxins  

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Gothenburg in November 2024!

Yours sincerely,

Assoc. Prof. Natàlia Corcoll, Conference Chair 
Senior lecturer, Dept Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg





opening for submission


We are happy to announce the opening for submission of papers
for the thematic issue of the journal FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Microbial Ecotoxicology of Contaminants of Emerging Concern” in connection to EcotoxicoMic24.
Original research articles, reviews, and perspectives can be submitted until  May 31, 2025.
Further information on the thematic issue can be found here.

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